This is a phrase that McKenna says quite often. It still amazes me how different the two of us are. Don't get me wrong I love to shop but I can't ever remember saying that when I was 11 years old. I definitely don't ever recall wanting to wear any of my mom's clothes or shoes at her age. I suppose I should be flattered that she thinks I have a few items that look stylish enough for her to wear.
Joelle and I laugh about the fact that McKenna is so much more like her. If I am ever wearing anything that is "cute" Kenna inevitably asks me, "Did Joelle give you that?" Thank you Jo for helping me to look presentable enough for McKenna to claim me as her mom. She loves and adores you and not just for your sense of fashion.
I love that McKenna always asks me if she looks "ok?" Please my sweet daughter you always look fabulous and you are breathtakingly beautiful!!!