I had a great Mother's Day, granted it wasn't much different from every other day but hearing my family say how much they loved and appreciated me was AWESOME! Maybe I am just able to more fully appreciate the simple yet important things in life better than I used to. I suppose getting older and wiser (ha, ha) isn't so bad after all.
I was able to help Matt teach JJ's primary class which may not seem like much but is truly a great blessing in many ways then I was able to be uplifted and inspired in Relief Society. I am so glad that the sun was shining and I was able to go out and enjoy the afternoon with my wonderful kids. Things just felt right; like laying in the green grass with Nico just watching the clouds roll by as she climbed all over me like I was a jungle gym. McKenna and JJ gave me a sweet card and they pooled their money together so that I could buy some beautiful flowers for the yard. McKenna wasn't quite sure what they should get me but she decided on the perfect gift...thanks you two:) Matt gave me some beautiful flowers as did my parents, thank you.
All in all as I look at my life I really am in awe at how me and my family have been blessed and the tender mercies that the Lord has continually given us. Being a mother is a very humbling calling; one that is filled with many tears, frustrations, joys, laughs, and learning experiences. When the day is done I only hope and pray that I have been there for my kids and that I am able to teach them what they need to know. I love you McKenna, JJ, and Nico!!!!!